Tuesday, 6 December 2016

On the 5th day of Christmas

On the 5th day of Christmas I looked after myself....

Now this is a tough one, but quite honestly, I tried not to be superwoman. And anyone that knows me, knows I'm more of a Wonder Woman girl anyway!

I did what I needed to do, worked my network marketing business, worked in my paid job with a little bit of adjusting to my hours, but I recognised that my body was tired so I didn't push myself to go to trampolining. 
We ate chinese for dinner (just the adults). 
We have only just sent the eldest to bed because he's just not tired before 10pm due to the meds he's on, which has meant a lot less screaming and making him do stuff that his body is just not ready to do.

Tomorrow is going to be a tough day to look after myself through!

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