Thursday, 8 December 2016

On the 6th Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas - Day 6
On the 6th Day of Christmas I looked after myself by calling in reinforcements. I had a shitty morning, and after a whinge session with one of my friends, I called in reinforcements. Our favourite babysitter, good friend and boss came and hung out with small people so I could go in and out as I needed to get ready for a gingerbread night. 

I had already asked for help at that, but I had to get to the idea that I didn't have to be there for every second of the set up. I left lists of what needed to be done.

Basically, I cut myself a little slack and the job still got done. And everyone had a nice time.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

On the 5th day of Christmas

On the 5th day of Christmas I looked after myself....

Now this is a tough one, but quite honestly, I tried not to be superwoman. And anyone that knows me, knows I'm more of a Wonder Woman girl anyway!

I did what I needed to do, worked my network marketing business, worked in my paid job with a little bit of adjusting to my hours, but I recognised that my body was tired so I didn't push myself to go to trampolining. 
We ate chinese for dinner (just the adults). 
We have only just sent the eldest to bed because he's just not tired before 10pm due to the meds he's on, which has meant a lot less screaming and making him do stuff that his body is just not ready to do.

Tomorrow is going to be a tough day to look after myself through!

Monday, 5 December 2016

On the 4th Day of Christmas

On the 4th Day of Christmas I looked after myself.....
By staying home. Yes, I did chores around the house for the day, but I also put on my favourite Christmas movie in the background. Can you guess what it was?

Here's a hint....


my favourite scene..

So, can you guess??

Sunday, 4 December 2016

On the 3rd day of Christmas

On the 3rd Day of Christmas I looked after myself.....

By being part of a pamper workshop that looked after other people and showcased the products I sell. And had a glass of wine with friends afterwards.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

On the 2nd day of Christmas

On the 2nd day of Christmas

 I looked after me......

By having dinner with two families who love and accept us as we are.  We are so grateful for both of these families who are generous and kind and forgiving.

Friday, 2 December 2016

On the first day of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas
I looked after me
By hanging out with 3 amazing ladies. Laughing a lot. Not talking about the shitty stuff of life, drinking wine, eating chocolate and pizza and watching Gilmore Girls.

We now call ourselves TANK

So thankful for amazing women in my life who fill my TANK regularly. 
Are you going to join me in the 12 days of Christmas challenge?