Monday, 3 August 2015



It’s something I have been toying with in the back of my mind for ages.  It’s something that I thought I might be good at. I’m pretty good at talking.  I can talk under wet cement with a mouth full of marbles. Typing is even better.  It doesn’t require me to be in front of you, and that means both of us can be in our pj’s and slippers under a blanket eating chocolate and it doesn’t matter. 

So here goes, my little foray into putting out there what it’s like to live in my world.  I’m a mum with 2 young boys, one diagnosed with Autism and Global developmental delay, and the other who is on the wait list for an assessment, but is feisty and has an issue with seeing other people as having authority over him.  I’m also the wife to my amazing husband who gets the dregs of my time and energy and is often the thing that is propping me up when I fall asleep on the couch exhausted.  I have a network marketing business on the side that keeps me sane.

There are a few things that I’m not.  I’m not a super clean freak.  Actually, cleaning is something I would love to be good at, but it is so low on the priority list, that if you come and visit me and arrive 3 minutes early, you will probably find me frantically vacuuming up the crumbs of whatever it is my children have dropped in the lounge that was never supposed to have food in it (Ha! That lasted about a week).

I’m also not someone who will only show you the highlight reel.  My intention is to show you a warts and all view on what life is really like inside our house.  You may find if you look in the back of any photo’s I post that there are toys all over my floor, or a pile of papers on my desk (and in the 60 lt tub next to the desk waiting to be sorted), maybe even the 7 loads of laundry that is waiting to be folded all over my couch.  Or not.  I pledge to not alter my images, or adjust the angle of a photo to simply give you a better “view” of my life.  I’m over that highlight reel bullshit, and I think it does everyone a disservice.

My kids watch tv. They play lego. They fight. They whinge. They give great hugs. They have amazing smiles.  They drop food on the floor. My little one still sits in a high chair because he will not sit at the table and actually eat without being confined.  My big one gets up from the dinner table about 10 times during any meal. He takes 15 minutes on average to put his shoes on. We rarely get to school before the bell. We do real.

As you may have already noticed, I’m one that has strong opinions.  I don’t apologise for having opinions.  I don’t apologise for sharing them. I don’t expect you to always agree. You are welcome to disagree. If you don’t like what you read, that’s fine. You have every opportunity to stop reading.  That’s the beauty of the internet. Just close the browser!
So, welcome to my blog. I hope you like what you see.


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